Mission Statement
The instruction provided at Faith Christian School will be a Christ-centered
education of high academic quality. Because our Christian faith
encompasses every aspect of our lives, it is not sufficient that religion or Bible
instruction be only a separate subject in the curriculum; but the teachings of the
Bible must be the basis for the entire educational program and must permeate all
subjects of study.
This instruction will be given by godly teachers in an atmosphere where the
principles of biblical discipline are maintained. These teachers, striving to show
compassion and sensitivity, and giving instruction which shows the relationship
between Christianity and education, will guide the children in developing their
God-given talents to the service of God, their Redeemer.
Basis of Belief
1. The Bible is the infallibly inspired, written Word of God, the doctrine of
which is contained in the Three Forms of Unity (The Belgic Confession, the
Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt), and as such forms the basis
for administration, instruction and discipline in the school.
2. Our Sovereign, Triune, Covenant God has from eternity chosen, and in time,
forms, a people unto Himself, that they may stand in covenant relation to Him
and live in His praise, in fellowship and loving service in all spheres of life, in
the midst of a sinful world.
3. The training of the covenant children in school, as well as in the home and in
the church, must serve to prepare them to follow their life-long calling to
reveal the glory of their God in a life lived from the principle of regeneration
by grace.